Fucking blog post time

Shit, its  been  8 months or so since I posted on here

Thank you for taking the time to read this, remember to drink plenty of water, stay hydrated, look after your bastard self

I wanted to talk about / type about the Vefam Union NFT

Two different styles of membership, but no rarity system, one created by the artist Novo and one by FingaBang (lol bro) 

So wtf is the membership and what does it do?

Its a fucking membership, to the best private club ever

Now being part of the Vefam Union, you know you can rely on the community, if you have any issues, about anything, you have the backing of 10 Union Executives, and the wider community.

But the benefits are smooth

We will be getting whitelist slots for other projects, that you can register for, but not just on vechain, we will look to aquire other chain slots too

A members only area in the discord, I'm personally shit at using discord and telegram, I do tend to avoid them, but they are active, and the team are in there, devs are in there, and I pop in as much as I can

Union Committee Member, I want to get a group of the most active community members, and give them committee member status, so they can listen in to our private team meetings that we have in the voice channels on discord,  its hilarious, productive, democratic, and good fun, but this  committee will be for stage four, as we're only on stage two, it will be a month or two yet


Yep, for three years, your union membership nft will generate 1 $Union token per day 

Revenue sharing 

YES you lucky fucks, you're part of the union,  if the union makes any profit, its going to be distributed to the member nft holders, all the stage four activities the union are planning, is specifically about generating revenue, off chain and on chain, online and offline, wen farm bro...

Now we've already done something HUGE that's already fulfilled that obligation, and will for a very long time, but that will just be the start of the revenue streams coming in to the project

The Vefam union / no nerds inc. is all about the community, making it together, having a laugh and success 

So far we've smashed it, we only had delays due to outside factors beyond our control

So fuck it

Let's crack on and see where we can take this

But what if we lay some solid foundations and then the vechain eco system explodes, and we have set up a goldmine for our members

I'm in 


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